Tyrannosaurus Rex is without a doubt the most popular dinosaur and has appeared in countless books movies and videogames .Tyrannosaurus Rex was from the family of theropod dinosaurs. It was one of the largest and most dangerous carnivorous dinosaurs that ever roamed the planet. It's name is a combination of ancient Greek and Latin and means "Tyrant lizard king". T-rex has the Tyrannosaurus Rex also was called, lived during the Late Cretaceous period about 67 to 65 million years ago. Around the world fossils of other tyrannosaurids species have been found but remains of the biggest member of the family the T-rex has only been discovered in North America.

Tyrannosaurus Rex was bipedal and walked on two legs its huge head was counterbalanced by a heavy tail. It's arms which each feature two claw fingers were short but unusually powerful for their size. A large part of its massive skull which could become more than 4 feet (1.22 meter) was made up by the jaws. These jaws had an enormous bite force making the T-rex the land walking animal with the most powerful bite ever. Tyrannosaurus Rex's huge and serrated teeth made it easy to chomp through the flesh and bones of its prey. In total it had 60 teeth of various sizes with the largest one reaching around 12 inches. The T-rex replaced its teeth constantly each tooth every few years this ensured that it was always fully armed.

Tyrannosaurus Rex was probably an opportunistic carnivore acting as both a predator and a scavenger. With a large and developed brain, the T-rex was an intelligent dinosaur. Based on this fact as well as new fossil findings new research suggests that it hunted in packs. Hunting techniques may have involved the fast juveniles chasing catching prey with a slower fully grown adults taking over and delivering the fatal bite. A T-rex reached adult size when it was about 20 years old, after that it only lived 5 to 10 years more.